how you get rid of breast formation

In Men

Men are increasingly faced with breast formation. Also known as man boobs, these man boobs are an annoying and somewhat embarrassing problem. This blog article discusses the causes and solutions of men's breasts.

Breast formation in men, a common problem?

Breasts are sexy… in women. And because breasts belong to women, no man wants to walk around with two of these bumps. Yet there are plenty of men who suffer from the so-called man boobs. About a tenth of young men and a third of older men suffer from this. In this article we look at the causes and solutions to male breast. Male breasts develop when stubborn fat builds up on a man's chest. Male breasts can develop at a young age, usually in overweight boys or men.

Causes of breast formation in men

Several factors together often cause men to get breasts. Below you will find the main causes and tips on how to deal with them.

Nutrition - It should come as no surprise that poor diet contributes to breast formation in men. After all, male breasts consist largely of excess fat that is stored near the breast. That is why it is advisable to eat as healthy as possible. For example, use as few products with fats and sugars as possible. Sugars can also unbalance male hormones, causing fat to be more likely to be stored near the breasts.

Low testosterone level - A low testosterone level can be a cause of male breasts. Signs can include painful or noticeably larger breasts, loss of body and facial hair, shrunken testes, erectile dysfunction and hot flushes. Do you suspect that you suffer from this? Always have this checked by the doctor. Too much alcohol and stress can have a very bad effect on testosterone levels. You can increase your testosterone level by doing more strength training, sleeping well and eating enough healthy fats.

Lack of movement - Obviously, exercising is always good for losing fat, including fat around the breasts. In the case of male breasts, it is advisable to exercise both conditionally to lose fat, as well as to train a lot with weights. Exercises to tighten your breasts include the chest press, chest fly and push ups. With these exercises you strengthen your chest muscles, making your male breasts tighter. In addition, it stimulates testosterone release. You can always ask for personal advice from a trainer at the gym.

Disease or abnormality - Male breasts are not always a cause of an unhealthy lifestyle. There may also be a deeper problem. This often concerns an inherited predisposition to the formation of breasts. But there can also be a serious clinical picture. For example, Klinefelter 's Syndrome . When men have breasts without being overweight, this is sometimes the underlying reason. Always go to the doctor if there is a suspicion of Klinefelter.

Treatments for male breasts

If changes in your diet and lifestyle aren't helping you get rid of your man boobs, you can take more serious measures. For example, after consultation with your doctor, you can start with medication, gels or ointments. If this does not help, we will check whether you are eligible for a breast reduction for men.


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